GDC Edition Has Arrived!

Welcome back to KNOCKOUT ARCADE!

This update is a big one! In preparation for GDC, I've added a ton of new features and animations. I'll be showing off this build at GDC looking for feedback, and trying to impress people at the convention.

Here's a list of all the additions

  • Added several new particle effects including a dash, new hitspark, jumping, landing, grab, and throw tech.
  • Edited small hitspark to make it appear for longer
  • Throw techs now separate the players more
  • Adding Screen Shake during hits 
  • Health bar now shows the damage during a combo
  • Added a 5 frame input buffer when landing on the ground from an attack
  • Fixed an issue with jump momentum
  • Added a fight transition screen between the character select and the match
  • Added Round Win slowdown + victory animation (the actual animations aren't done yet, so they use the character's intro animation.) Works for Timeouts, KOs, and Ties.
  • Added stylized Super and Rush Cancel activations.
  • Non-attack animations now pause when the game is paused.
  • Fight Transition Screen now displays Russel and Beverly's Palettes.
  • Added Pause menu. Accessed during a match by holding START, Esc, or BACKSPACE.
  • Added new controls menu.
  • You can now change your controls in the options menu, character select, or mid-match via the pause screen.
  • Added a command list with move names to the pause menu
  • Added Gravity Scaling to combos
  • Lowered minimum damage scaling from 40% to 10%
  • Rush Cancel now only adds +1 to combo scaling instead of +3
  • Made fixes to hurtbox logic
  • Jay's Spirit now regenerates faster
  • Game no longer saves inputs between game sessions. This is in response to a bug that will be fixed later
  • Added Victory Screen + Win quotes for all characters
  • The buttons and lever in the UI of the Character Select now match the user's inputs
  • Menu buttons can now check for held inputs
  • You can now buffer Super out of blockstun

Russel Changes:

-Completely revamped hurtboxes on all moves

-Updated his super

-Balance Changes that will be in the patch notes discussion

Beverly Changes:

-New animations: Launched, Knocked Down, Getup, Stand Blocking, Crouch Blocking, Grab, Hold, Running, Backdash

-New WIP animations for every attack that isn't finished

-Balanced changes that are too big to list here

I hope you enjoy this version of KNOCKOUT ARCADE!


Mar 16, 2024

Get KNOCK-OUT ARCADE (version 0.8)